Shoshy's Biography


I grew up in Los Angeles and studied dance, yoga, art, music and theatre then became a ballet dancer. I worked hard for over 15 years in L.A. as a dancer. This brought me to New York and then Italy. I worked in Italy as a dancer, yoga teacher and also choreographed for the Italian Operas. I also started working with dancers, and athletes who had injuries. I would introduce them to the floating as to allow their bodies to deeply rest. They seemed to get over injuries quicker, so this lead me to start developing a series of postures, asanas, and stretches that aided in their recovery.

I moved to Nevada City in 1994, to work closely with my family who created and manufacture to this day the original floatation tank, Samadhi.

For 5 years I have finalized a series of asanas that are called floating yoga. I continue to teach, and work internationally.


Please enjoy! Shoshana

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